During the holiday season Dominion Gardens Park is lit up with thousands of coloured lights for all to enjoy. 

The 3 Memory Trees are covered with sparkling white lights and special clear glass Memory Balls dedicated to the memory of your loved one(s). Your Memory Ball will be hung on the trees from December 1 to January 3. You may renew your Memory Ball each year. 

The names of the people being remembered will also appear on a memorial sign by the Memory Tree.   

Purchases and renewals are available until November 20 and can be done online, by phone, by email or in person at our booth at the Georgetown Marketplace Mall on select dates (click here for dates).

Memory Balls

How many would you like to purchase?
Name(s) to be remembered
Your email address

Memory Ball Renewals | $10.00 

If you previously purchased a memory ball for your loved

one last year, you may renew your Memory Ball this year year for 
only $10.00 per ball. Please use our secure online payment system, 

use e-transfer (instructions above) or contact the volunteer below for 

information on how to pay by cash or cheque.   Memory Balls renewed

after November 20th will have your loved one memorialized on the

memory ball only.  Their name will not appear on the sign as the sign will

have been printed 

Donna Volpini    289-890-0197  memoryballs@lightupthehills.com

How many are you renewing?
Name(s) to renew
Your email address

Memory Balls

Memory Balls | $25.00 

You may purchase Memory Balls using our convenient

and secure online payment system or by e-transfer, or contact any of the

following volunteers for information on how to pay by cash or cheque. 

To pay by e-transfer, send your payment to treasurer@lightupthehills.com 

You will also need to send an email to memoryballs@lightupthehills.com

  1. Put Memory Balls in the subject line
  2. Include the following information in the email
    • Is this a purchase or renewal,
    • Who the name(s) of the loved one is to be featured on the ball(s)
    • Your name and contact info. 

​For more information, contact:

Donna Volpini    289-890-0197  memoryballs@lightupthehills.com

A special way to say, 

"We remember you with love..."